


The temperate climate varies slightly depending on location. The area situated north of Tain-l’Hermitage (Érôme, Serves-sur-Rhône, Gervans, Crozes-Hermitage and Larnage) is slightly cooler and damper. This is due to elevation and the position of the hills and also to the granite soils which are cooler and retain water better. The area east and south of Tain-l’Hermitage (Mercurol, Chanos-Curson, Beaumont-Monteux, Pont-de-l’Isère and La Roche-de-Glun) is often drier because the soils are more permeable and the strong Mistral wind increases air flow. The landform is relatively flat.


The soils of Crozes-Hermitage are quite varied. The most extensive area, located south and east of Tain-l’Hermitage, comprises thick layers of gravel shaped by different glacial periods (Riss and Würm) interspersed with red clay. These create fairly flat landforms known as plateaux or terrasses such as the Châssis or Sept Chemins. Heading north-west, the landforms become steeper and form hillsides. Near Larnage and Crozes-Hermitage is a stony terrace (Mindel glaciation) covered with loess or white kaolin sand. The northern localities (Serves-sur-Rhône, Érôme and Gervans) are situated on granite soils also covered with loess.
Icone vins crozes-hermitage